Custom Homes
On the outside, a SIP-built home looks just like any other home. The difference is the lifetime of value with walls that are 15 times more air-tight.
Enjoy a home that is custom designed, and allows for better control over your indoor environment.
Interior Design & Finishes
We try to simplify the process of building a new home by breaking down the phases of the build. We can take your ideas and help you draw the home of your dreams or take your blueprint and adapt it to an EPS SIPs, Structural Insulated Panel, home. EPS will engineer your plan.
Structural Insulated
Panels- SIPS
These buildings are energy-efficient and provide long term durability. A SIP home can be constructed quicker with less labor because the insulation, framing and sheathing are combined into one panel.
Pre-engineered buildings can be used for a number of things, including machinery storage, shops, barns and more.
Every building from EPS is a complete engineered building package. It is designed to meet the snow and wind loads with special attention to bracing. A pre-engineered building can streamline the entire process from planning through construction.